Lombard Lions Club

District 1J    Lombard, Illinois USA




 DATE: November 15, 2004

Thanks to Lions Jerry Bimber and Ernie Turcotte for their leadership role in helping us achieve another banner year for Candy Days!!!

To all of you Lions who put out a little extra effort this year we say THANKS and we also give a huge round of applause and a BIG THANK YOU to our VOLUNTEERS!! Without them we would be sorely lacking in donations.

Candy Day Appreciation Pasta Dinner:
We had a slightly smaller turn out for our spaghetti dinner this year, but no small effort by a few Lions who put on a great show of appreciation for our volunteers. Lions Jerry and Ernie did a masterful job of thanking and rewarding our volunteers for a great turn out on the streets once again this year. We had volunteers from the Deicke Home, NEDSRA and RRAF, and MANY individual local citizens (and their children) who give us their precious time out there!

Thanks also to all of you Lions who attended and helped with the cleanup and teardown of tables. Special thanks to Lion Sandy Sarillo who did the majority of the cooking.

Community Vision & Hearing program
Lion Scott Tobey and I have nothing new to report this month, but we are ready for anyone needing help who wishes to contact us. If you know of anyone in the community who is in financial need and they or their children need vision or hearing help, please let me or Lion Scott Tobey know right away.

Where does it all go Department:
We did not expend any money for donations at last months board meeting, but we will probably be spending some of our funds by the next board meeting in December. There are a couple of budgeted donations we make every year at this time. I will report all monies donated by you as they occur.

Past Due members:
We are sending out letters to a couple of our members who have not paid their bills in quite a while, and who have not contacted us regarding those bills. They will have a specific amount of time to pay or respond. If they do neither, we will drop them from our roster. If you are one of these members and you still want to remain a part of our valuable service organization, please contact Lion Ross or Lion Ernie and they will help you figure out a way to take care of your overdue bill.

New Member Dept.:
We are losing a couple of our cherished members (I will explain this later) and so, Lion Scott Tobey is once again asking you to invite a friend to a meeting. Please ask someone you know who is willing to work and enjoy the fellowship of some fine, community minded people, to come to a meeting soon. Our club has experienced a rejuvenation of people who want to work hard and promote service in our community but we are also experiencing a loss to our roster. Membership is the “life blood” of any organization and ours is no different. Please keep in mind, we want people who are willing to support us, working hard on projects and volunteering to put in the time, or at least donate the necessary funds we need to keep us going strong, and to help us provide the community with the help that it needs in the areas we support.

Holiday Programs:
December is our Holiday program month and we have some annual events to consider. We start out with our annual Christmas lunch with Seniors Club of Lombard and the Special folks from The Deicke Center in Lombard. This event will take place on Tuesday December 7th at noon, and will be at the Lombard Community Building at St. Charles & Grace Street. We need your help in serving lunch and mingling with our guests, and of course, with the clean up after the event is over. We also need some prizes to raffle off at this function. Anything you can bring will help. Deicke residents will receive free raffle tickets and the Seniors will have to buy theirs. The Seniors’ lunch will be on us this year.

Next is our Annual Christmas Dinner at Glen Oak Country Club. Many thanks to Lion Bob Iorii and his wife Lisa, and also to Lion Ross Caputo and his wife Sheila, for handling all the details. You should have received an invitation by now (if not call Lion Ross). Please plan on attending this fabulous affair. The cost is $ 80.00 per couple ($ 40.00 per person) and the dinner promises to be outstanding! You are also requested to bring 1 Christmas ornament per couple, or person, if you attend alone, for a game to be played the party. Cocktails are at 6pm and dinner at 7pm.

Our loss, no ones gain.
I told you earlier that we are losing a couple of our members. We received letters of resignation from Lions Sharon Mysliwiec and Sandy Sarillo. Both expressed sorrow for leaving and both gave reasons of too many other commitments and not enough time to stay involved. We will miss them both. I know their hearts are in the right place and that they leave reluctantly. I thank them for their valuable efforts in the past and hope only for their happiness in the future. I hope they will stay in touch with us and perhaps resume their membership in the future. This is no slight to Sharon but, we will sorely miss Sandy Sarillo. Soon, we will notice all the things she did for us and how much this club counted on her for things we took for granted. There are a few members in this organization that I have had a hard time saying “no” to because of their work ethic and commitment to the Lombard Lions. Sandy was definitely one of them.

Lion Scott has asked me to let you know he will be adding a page to the website regarding the guest speakers we have had or will be having in the future. He, as well as I, would like input from anyone in the club regarding the website or newsletter. We welcome all comments or suggestions in our commitment to provide you with the knowledge of what happens in the club.

Calendar of Events:
We are now starting to gear up for Pancake Day (February 6th, 2005). Lions Dave Orr and Jeff Cholewa are chairing this event and will need your help in selling tickets and flipping flapjacks and such. More details will follow soon.

As always, the calendar of our activities and meetings is on our website. www.lombardlions.org Please go there and check it out so, you will have no excuse why you didn’t know what was going on or when it was going on. Please call or write me anytime you have a gripe or a suggestion for the newsletter. It is your club. Get involved!

See you at the next meeting, take care and God bless,
Lion Dom

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